How it started…

I have vivid childhood memories of coming home from school to my mom making dinner and the Food Network on TV. This was before any sort of seamless crossover between TV and Internet in which you could Google the recipe, so my mom would keep a notepad and write it down as she saw it. Of course, I was not allowed to change the channel, so unknowingly at the time, this became my first culinary school. 

As I got older, Mom would assign small tasks for me in the kitchen, and eventually gave me full reign on certain dishes. I was hooked. For me, cooking has always been a way for me to express love. Feeding others is part of who I am at the core.

A few years after college, where I had received a degree in journalism, I discovered the beautiful, complex world of birth work, and began working as a birth and postpartum Doula. Being a doula was a major catalyst to both my career and how I now show up in the world. While I may not attend births anymore, Doula is an identity I will always carry with me no matter what my day-to-day work may look like. It is a model of care that fits so seamlessly into the attention I bring to both the food and the people I work with.

In 2021, I attended the Institute of Culinary Education's Health-Supportive Program (formerly The Natural Gourmet Institute), where I had the privilege to work with some incredible chefs and further deepen my knowledge of how to make delicious food in the confines of a restrictive diet. After school, I spent time working with the talented Chef Dan Silverman, learning how to push the boundaries of flavor combinations.

With what feels like a lifetime of experience in the kitchen, I am thrilled to share it all with you in the dishes I prepare. As I see it, putting my whole heart into my cooking has truly made all the difference.

“It doesn’t really matter what the occasion is—big or small—but it’s the connections that we have with people we love that nourish our souls. Entertaining isn’t just about making dinner parties. It’s about celebrating those connections and I think that’s what makes life worth living.” - Ina Garten

Making Challah ‘99